Maja Milojković Poetry |Serbian popular poet

Maja Milojković 

"Echoes of Peace"
Maja Milojković

In lands once torn by hate and fire,

Where echoes of war still climb higher,

The cries of those who fell too soon,

Are whispered soft beneath the moon.

No victor stands on bloodied ground,

For in their hearts no peace is found.

The cost of war, so steep, so deep,

It leaves the world in endless weep.

Yet hope still rises with each dawn,

A plea for peace where war was drawn.

For every hand that lifts a gun,

Another seeks the warmth of sun.

Let not the swords be drawn again,

Let not the children feel the pain.

In unity, we stand, we vow,

To build a future starting now.

For peace is born where love remains,

And kindness soothes the deepest pains.

Let nations learn, let voices sing,

The world needs peace, not war's cruel sting.

Maja Milojković



Maja Milojković was born in Zaječar and lives inrelation between Serbia and Denmark. In Serbia, she is the deputy editor at the publishing house at "Sfairos" in Belgrade, Serbia. She is the vice-president of the association "Rtanj and Mesečev poetski krug". She is a person whose blood has been running from Leonardo da Vinci's statement "Painting is poetry that can be seen, and poetry is a picture that can be heard." She is an amateur painter and reviewer. As a poet, she is represented in numerous domestic and foreign literary newspapers, anthologies and electronic media, and some of her songs are also available on YouTube. She is the winner of many international awards. She is an activist of many associations and organizations, for peace in the world, against violence against animals, racism, etc. She is the author of 2 books: "The Circle of the Moon" "Trees of Desire" She is a member of the poetry club "Area Felix" from Zaječar, Serbia. Member of the literary club "Zlatno pero" from Knjaževac, Serbia. Member of the association of writers and artists "Gorski vidici" from Podgorica, Montenegro.


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