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Mandy (Diamanto) Pistikou Poetry|Greek popular poet |Poetry of Greece

Mandy (Diamanto) Pistikou


Everyone was talking about peace.

On big screens some were pretending to be our saviors:

They knew the causes of war and the solutions.

And yet they never did anything to prevent destruction.

They built their fortunes on the corpses of innocents.

They did so as they did their perpetual ancestors...

They had followers who knew how to fanaticize.

They skillfully hid the Knowledge  from them. They were looking for manipulable puppets...


Keep the children's innocence!

They don't know how to discriminate on the basis of nationalities, colors or religions.

Nor any other kind of contrast.

They experience peace within themselves.

Greed and racism hasn't had a chance to damage their souls.


Give me your hand and feel my essence!

When you feel my pain

Only then will you seek peace...


Mandy (Diamanto) Pistikou was born in 1974 in Piraeus, Greece A lover of Arts and Culture, she started at a very young age to write her first poems, lyrics and musical compositions, as a way to express her thoughts and feelings. She taught English for many years, specializing in children with learning difficulties and she used Art as a means of expression and teaching, She was also a member of TESOL Greece. She works as administrative staff at the National Rehabilitation Center. She recently graduated from the Hellenic Culture Department at the Hellenic Open University having won scholarships of excellence for all 4 years of her studies. She currently attends the Master's degree in 'Folklore and Literature' at the NKUA. Some of her poems or stories have been distinguished in various literary competitions. She writes in order to express her feelings and worries about various subjects while at the same time she is dreaming and striving to contribute to a better world.

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