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Nahid Ensafpour Poetry|Popular poet of modern Iran |Famous German Iranians Poet|Who is the most famous Iranian poet?

Nahid Ensafpour


Like a caterpillar shedding its skin in

its tender metamorphosis to a butterfly

so am I perpetually shedding my skin

each time in fear that I shall lose myself

Yet still I always

find my way to freedom.

My turbulent soul

Oh, brutal storm of my turbulent soul

your rage reaches down

to the depths of my heart

and breaks all that is still whole in me

I can only watch you impotently

shuddering at your power

how can I tame you

and tear off these chains?

You shackle me

your heart is full of greed

ruling my life, shattered

I tremble you tyrant

and finally, I bow down

you sweep me up

and I am yours.


A little snowflake

left the cool cloud with joy

dancing, light as air

it floated down, smiling

till it reached the earth

and vanished.

Wait oh wait just a moment

Wait oh wait just a moment

do not fly from the present

There’s a longing

to dwell in the moment

Such a longing to capture

the moment

You slip from my hand

you roll off my skin

you fly out of my mouth

you flee from my sight

making the present the past

Wait, wait just a moment

Do not be a memory so soon

I run after and pursue you

for how long how often yet

Memory be my life

do not follow behind

come with me

for only you

you alone

you follow me

as my life

as my shadow

as my friend

as I am and I

become you



Slowly the day

sinks behind the hills

almost as if night comes

creeping softly through the door

and like a mother

gently kissing her child

its dark curtain

descends to envelope all

Trees bend forward

birds silent now

listen intently

as darkness descends

across all of Nature

the silent forest breathing

and resting

then night is

ambushed by daybreak

losing itself

little by little

in the embrace

of the past

and the future.

Candle and butterfly

The fluttering butterfly sought

the light of the brightly burning candle

hovering nearby it watched

the candle’s pain

patient, as it slowly expired

said the butterfly

why so patient as you die

never to lament your pain

the candle said, it’s in my nature

by my demise to light the way.


You were crucified

some 2000 years ago


Alone, you bore

the guilt of humanity

on your shoulders

through great pain

and suffering

Now you are lauded

as a prophet

You have forgiven

and for you

love was

the only path

to our salvation

How unutterably sad

that in our times

your suffering

should be so negated by evil

Day for day

countless human beings

are persecuted,murdered

The fruits of evil are evil

while forgiveness descends

into vengeance

Where love is commuted

into possession

no longer regarded as

the pinnacle of goodness

„love your neighbour as yourself“

lives no more.

You have fallen

into oblivion

Your cross now adorns

Storefronts and beneath them

lie crucified your neighbours.

The sun in me

The darkness falls

across the land

The gloom drives

life into nothingness

The people all vanish

in the blink of an eye

The doors close

one after the other

Everywhere, the seeds

of fear and the harvest

of despair

The devil peers

at the people

light held in hand

And quickly

I shut the doors

cover the windows

to hide the sun

living deep in my heart

from the devil.

A land where silence rules

A land where silence rules

and speech is banned

People are softly humming a melody

the command goes out to be silent

and lips are sewn closed

The eyes are seeking an answer

the command goes out to look away

and eyes are blindfold shut

Hands are reaching out in vain

for support the command goes out

and hands are bound

Feet are looking for a way out

and stamping loudly

the command goes out

and feet are shackled

Silence rules life here

one day a door opens

on a graveyard of people

silent for all eternity

Nature breaks the silence

with a rumbling roar of thunder

The stormy winds blast

away the dust of yesteryear

rain washes off the infamy

and warm sunshine bathes life

then a nightingale sings

the lament of the Silent.

When life consists of constraints

When life consists of constraints

your breath is tight in your chest

your skin feels only the cold

Uncertain of day or night

the shivering heart seeks

warmth in vain

Like a new-born caterpillar

attempting to perform

the incredible transformation

into a butterfly

breathing in life

I have been waiting

so long to be born.

Translated from German into English by Marion Godfrey

Nahid Ensafpour, (Iran, Germany), She is a bilingual writer, poet and translator, who was born in Tehran. Since 1985 she lives in Germany/Köln. In April 2015, she completed the correspondence course "Literary Writing" at the Cornelia Goethe Academy, Frankfurt/Main and graduated with a diploma. She studied New German Literature and Philosophy at the Fern-Universität Hagen. Her poems have been published in numerous German and international anthologies. Many of her poems have been translated into several languages. She is a member of the World Writers' Association "Licio Poetico de Benidorm", as well as a member of the Schiller Association Leipzig and the Hainburger Writers' Association Austria. She is a member of PEN Club in Austria. In 2016, she was a prize winner at the poetry festival in Rödermark/ Germany.

She has published the following: (2014) Book of poems "Brennende Sehnsucht", Frankfurter Verlag, (2016) Poetry collection "Gesang des Augenblicks", Frankfurter Verlag, (2018) Poetry collection published together with Peter Völker "Sonnentanz und Nachtschatten", Engelsdorfer Leipzig, (2019) Book of poems "Leise weht das Wort dahin," Engelsdorfer Leipzig, (2020) Book of poems "Poetry overcomes boundaries". (2024) “The grail of lost dreams”, a multilingual anthology from fourteen countries, translated to Farsi by Nahid Ensafpour.

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