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Til Kumari Sharma Poetry|Famous Poet of The World

The Light in My Grave:


 The genuine grave in huge side,

 That is shining beside.

 Planted coffins inside,

 Nourished as dead seed of the humanity,

 Internal home after my death.

 But will be transformed in an art.

 Genuine and not rotten inside grave.

 Fresh with art and philosophy of humanity and knowledge,

 With huge influence of wisdom,

 I am living inside my grave

 Which was furnished earlier before my birth.

 Though I am inside.

 I am shining beside.


Tell People about My Eternal Art:


 People may see me as scam/ scammer.

 People may present me badly.

 But their digging grave me is my fortune.

 In that grave, I plant my thought which will be alive forever.

 Oho ! People tell the enemies that I am alive.

 Death is afraid of me.

 The grave has rejected my misfortune.

 The eternal art fights to support me.

 The wings of words give me freedom.

 The home of art is never in the street.

Tell people that I am rich and wealthy of mind.

 Tell people about my highest wisdom with humanity.


Missing Love:


 Love is kidnapped in the jail of politics.

The life of the beauty is hidden.

The tragic love makes sick.

 The love has made  tragic life.

 My love was lost before my birth.

The life is beautiful in success of  art.

The love is in vampire.

My  love was vanished earlier.

That no one truly loves me.

It makes me strong to live.

 Love is a kind of deceptive phenomenon.

 It becomes enemy.


Shining Mind of Mine:


 Mind shines all over the world.

 Beautifies with humanity.

 Morality leads all.

 No falsity is praised.

 The truth is acclaimed.

 Above the diamond, I am.

 The  genuine is quality.

 The innate shining is there.

 Mind is my huge universe.

 Then stores all and filters with conscious mind.

 The leading power is qualified.

 The fame of moral is signified.


 Horizon and Beings:


The vacancy above is empty.

Beings may be dancing.

The light may be in store of cloud.

 Rule of universe is amazing.

 Cold water is hidden.

The cloud manages its vacancy.

The living entities are unseen.

Our eyes are not perfect.

Infinite unseen beings are dancing.

Wonderful horizon is there.

The few technologies manage to fly.

 But horizon is enjoying there.


The Blue Sky:


 The wide and infinite sky above is beautiful.

Blue in heaven as eternal colour,

The destiny is undyed of the sky.

 Mysterious sky in the heaven of universe;

 Stores every bright and dark things.

 Wonderful mystery in this universe,

 How wonder is born in this universe.

 The life and death are enlivened.

 Though the colour is same.

 The strength is same.

 The sky is huge.

 To lead all.

 Umbrella to protect all.


The Shining Glory in My Journey:


The journey of hard struggle in darkness

To collect the brighter life of knowledge.

The sun like brightness brings light.

The worth of life becomes art.

Alienation teaches how to live.

Isolation teaches how to walk alone.

The journey is beautiful.

The life is beautiful.

The inner shining is immortal.

The internal humanity is alive.

The glory is higher.

Art is in flight.


Flesh of Soil:


 The soil and the land are dutiful.

 They transform human in new forms.

 Death is rule.

 Not to be lost all.

 The light is in soil to be built by human fleshes and bone.

 The earth is transformed in new after death of many.

 Death brings new change.

 That is the worth of hope and happiness.

 Soil consumes death in unseen form.

 Death is weak.

 Nature leads death.

 Earthly wonder is appeared here.


 Brighter Writing of Mine:


 The simple writings which world can understand.

 But self- born from womb of mine creativity.

 Seems highest in the earth

 To give lesson of ethics and humanity.

The shining humanity in the every words.

 Lust and passion are jailed by me.

Forever shining in the top of the universe

 With the might of pen and hand.

 Writing is form as queen.

 The golden pillar in the corner

 To control over the world, writing is peaceful sigh to bring ethics.


Me as Symbol of Goddess:


The ethics of brotherhood and  sisterhood in the hand.

 I like purity of humanity.

To live with ethics is virginity.

Not liking vulgar gossip of third class enjoys.

 Loves the highly civilized speech and polished matter of ethical words.

To worship to virtuous woman is not slavery.

To learn from her is not bad.

Goddess of wisdom is virtuous quality.

Goddess of property is hard labour of humanity.

So I like goddess quality.

To lead the earth with ethical humanity is my huge religion.


Oct. 24/25-2024

© Til Kumari Sharma

 Paiyun 7- Hile

 Parbat, Gandaki

 Now Kathmandu Kirtipur


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