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Angelo Rizzi Poetry|Famous italian polyglot poets|Popular poet of modern Italy|Poems By Angelo Rizzi

Angelo Rizzi 

An endless day

I move slowly to the evening

of an endless day

indecipherable in its intentions

where ideas hibernate

to avoid drifting.

Sitting at my working place

people pass in front of me

in their own unique way.

I move slowly to the silent-point

where losses fall asleep

and existence catches its breath.

Anyone who passes

has an own grimace

a lifestyle

since time-clock

was invented

everybody slips

into the sandglass.

I arrive slowly

towards evening’s halos

where ideas thaw, crowd

flick again, find vocation

the breath of courage

transforming mysterious words

in a thin drizzle.

Ball of thoughts

With ease I throw

my ball of thoughts

to the cat

he will do

whatever he wants

while I calmly observe

the night tightening

and accompanying me

towards a new dawn.

Everything is silent

Notwithstanding around me

everything is silent

tight by the pungent cold

I feel emerging from the deep

that life warbles.

In the dark all silences are mine

the surf and the sea ink are also silent

while ideas come in single file

and the last leaves doze off

before falling.


Although I only see

shadow of love

it is a sign of love exists

it is near

or nearby.

I feel

it’s trembling closeness


in the unknown’s folds

where I can shipwreck

or discover among meridians

a new land.

I discern it

it makes large circles

runs away flirty

a mystery

of burning lips.

Observations I

Ships pass

suddenly appear

from behind the peninsula

slip silently

towards shadowy horizon.

I always have a spare moon

to silver the undertow

and sleeping thoughts

among fibres of the night.

Observations II

Far away

where lights are trembling

once more ship pass

I just have the time to observe

when outside, immediately

rain stops.


Maybe, after midnight

in the darkness of this world

you will see a spark

it will blaze in fires of hilarity

so that it is not in vain

temporary acceptance

and as a breath it will appear

a shining piece of wisdom

to illuminate

the nothingness of dullness.


Muggy, the night

breathes slowly

it is a silent flower

it has an endless power

made for mute clapping

ideal to play chess

to love a woman

to read a book

it is a light humid blow


sprouts of words.

The silence of the planets

In this sleepless and quiet night

I write looking for rhymes

with the silence of the planets

and the invisible

my pen is a wanderer

in the echoless darkness.

This silence is a singsong

of ginger and rosemary

silence that refines desires

between attention, intention

and the serenity of these verses.

Transmutations 2

Habits chasing me since years

are coming to a death end

I would like then to transmute

adapting to inevitable changes

meanwhile, this night takes

a seductive shape of tenderness.

Laying words on a sheet

feeling last longer, emotions

expresses more freely


until the choral words

reaches a deep mysterious ecstasy.

Angelo Rizzi, is an Italian polyglot poet. He has obtained two Degrees: in Arabic Literature and Italian

Literature at French Universities and a Master’s Degree in Italian Studies at the Manouba University

in Tunisia. He attended a UNESCO Congress (Paris) in 2006 on theme Dialogue between Nations

He has received 65 literary and cultural prizes and awards. He has participated in international poetry

meetings in Italy, Cuba, France, Monaco, Romania, Tunisia, Brazil, India. The «Academia de Letras

ALPAS 21», Cruz Alta, Porto Alegre, R/S, Brazil, named him International Correspondent

Academician in 2015. He has published 26 collections of poems.

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