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Haikus By Jesús Rafael Marcano|Venezuelan Haiku|New English Haiku

Dear viewers today we will read haiku of Jesús Rafael Marcano an influential poet of Venezuela.

The rose petals
rain and fall on the France...
Colour crimson reds!
When you wake up
you feel to the butterflies
like fluttering.
Leave memories
like several leaves
in the distant fall.
The coloured rainbow
will always appear in the
Later of the storm.
Being Intensely
like dawn are always
the resplendent stars.
You are Elysées
like of the most grand noon
intense shine.
The fairies sing
in the immense green sunset
of dry forests.
In books a thousand
Of new and of fantastic adventures.
White snow in the
Grand city of the light...
Immortal Paris!
Rose petals rain
—black like of the darkness, already withered.
—Jesús Rafael Marcano.
Haikus in spanish language selected and translated to english language by the self author.

Jesús Rafael Marcano Guzmán (Jade Emperor), Maturín (1993). Literary writer, sinologist, haijin, origami artist, mangaka, wise man, spiritual philosopher, Chinese-Japanese language and aesthetics workshop, teacher, Chinese-Japanese literary translator, grammarian, international speaker, entrepreneur and cultural promoter. His writings have a mystical, philosophical, epic-fantastic and apologetic background with a traditional Japanese style inspired by Wafism and Wabi-sabi. Published books: Poetry Anthology #Nos une la poesía 21 authors (Mérida, 2021), Hanasaki (Mérida, 2021) reviewed by the poet and professor Dulce Burkooitz in the Royal Poetic-Literary Order Juan Benito (Spain, 2021), Electronic Edition Editorial SoyLivre (2022), 2nd electronic edition; editorial Laia editora (Argentina, 2024), Poetic Anthology Anime allo specchio (Italy, 2022), Haikus; Spanish magazine Poemame (Spain, 2023), Poetic anthology "Palabras para una reina" (2023), Poetic anthology "Un poema para Mariangel" (2023), wonderful genre stories, essays, phrases and reflections in spanish language  (Maturín, 2023), haikus; literary magazine "Escritores rebeldes" (2024) haikus; literary magazine Elipsis (Mexico, 2024), haiku; I Haiku Contest at the Aragón-Japan Cultural Association (Spain, 2024), haiku by La Cacharrería Efervescente (Colombia, 2024), I International Haiku Contest Acueducto de Hornos (Spain, 2024), among other in-person and online participations in general. Member of the National System of Popular Cultors. Founding member of the editorial fund #Nos une la poesía (Mérida, 2021). Founder of the poetic-philosophical movement Jaykism (俳句教俳句主义 haikukyō; はいくイズム: haikuizumu), President-founder of the International Society of Hispanic American Writers (SIDEH), creator of the artificial literary language aïry långuage. Columnist in the Spanish newspaper Siglo XXI based in Valencia, Spain (2024-Present). Distinctions: First place poetry prize at the 1st international exhibition of Aventuras de papel (Mar de Plata, 2024). International award Prof. Ciro Artemio Constantino Alvarez by the Royal International Academy of Art and Literature (Mexico, 2024) Honors: Distinction "Gran Maestre Litterarum Don Jesús Rafael Marcano Guzmán".

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