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Laskiaf Amortegui Poetry |Colombian poetry in english |Famous colombian love poems

Laskiaf Amortegui 



Your kisses will always be for me, even if you give them to someone else.
They will have another destiny, but not another owner.
The illusion of those kisses generates a spark of life, transforming itself into rays that shake
my heart...
A heart strong in its outer shell, but gentle and sweet inside...
My kisses are mythical aromas scattered in the twilight of farewell.
My kisses are reborn when I sleep my day, when I wake up your night.
My night is your dawn, your dawn that takes me to the world.
Dreamlike of the gods.
Gods lost since the beginning of time, where their unexpected destinies made them flee
from a world invaded by chaos and superfluous love.


Love that is born,
Love that germinates.
Love that blossoms.
Love, waiting for the arrival of a new dawn...
Each night is a sweet harmonious waiting in expectation of the eclipse of our souls and the
blessing of their love.


There are moments when I feel your kisses.
And I let myself be carried away in the waves of inspiration and passion.
That wave hits the rock of absence.
They remind me that your lips are not here.
The magic, and your kisses touch mine.
My kisses I wait for them sitting on the beach in front of the sea.


I look towards the sunset, waiting for the seagulls to announce the rebirth of my beloved.
Love of men in conflict.
Love of manipulated gods.
The love that loves, rejects and forgets the love that desires.
Misunderstood duality that hurts and kills.
Love in its heavenly folds, which have not found the firmness of true feeling.


On that rock hits the boat that arrives loaded with failed illusions of other times, of other
lives, that brings a hidden jewel, camouflaged and lost through eternity.
A jewel kept, forgotten, in the fullness of absence.
Our hearts brought it back with a name of hope.
It is an epic and beautiful love.


It wandered among my paintings and captured the distance that apparently separates us.
The sea that brings the boat closer and a being sitting on the golden beach of the coast
waiting to...
I imagine the sea, the wind and the seagulls as accomplices of our reunion.
Your soul is far away and my mind is not here; still, I will kiss your mouth, your skin.
As in another yesteryear; I long and yearn to kiss your soul with mine... Just like the first
Invisible threads of the universe have separated us more than once, without us wanting it.
The same sonata intoned by the gods to make us fly is the same that will make us come
back and be together!


The violins played the last sonata today.
And how it hurts to know it was my fault?
My anger battered your skin and love.
Shattered my dreams, my life with you.
And worst of all, I ended our chance to be together.
Maybe, something`s not right inside me.
Maybe it`s my reason, my mind or psyche, I don`t know.
I`m sinking into a hole without light.
Although, others say they love me, your love centered me and gave sweetness to my being.
Today you hurt and I`m the only one to blame, no one else.
You are the innocent victim of my existential chaos.
I should have healed before opening my door to you.
Sometimes I love you, sometimes I hate you.
Then I react.

It will be fear, or the past, making a dent and presence.
I need light, help from God and the psychologist; maybe they will save me; I must accept
that I am ill.
But you hurt, and I feel like dying.
This pain in the soul is horrible.
The hunger is gone and Morpheus no longer comes.
Tears are already drying up my soul.
I'm broken without you, without me, without you.
My lack of control has ended it all.
My guilt for dependence is on holiday and I know that...
You hurt even in the air I breathe.
And I understand, with reason, why I don`t want to come back.


Sometimes I wonder...
Yes, I will have the courage to whisper in your ear all that you generate in my soul.
Without it crying, without the beating of my heart reproaching you.
And lead you to the desert of my disillusionment.


You were my dawn.
You were my dusk.
You were also sun and moon.
You were my salt, my sweet, my simple.
You were my sour to bitter.
I was your guardian, your guide and boatman.
Today I am the light of an old lantern lost in yesterday.


First of October, you didn`t arrive.
On the thirtieth of November, I saw that I was living only on illusions.
On the twenty-third of December, it was the announcement that the end of the year was
approaching; and you didn`t make up your mind. On the second of January, you were still
ruled by insecurity.
Twenty-eight February, we started again, feigned illusions.
Seventeenth of March, we were arguing again.
Thirty April, it was another date.
May twenty-fifth, I celebrated alone without you.
June sixth, the end was near.
July thirty, and I started crying again. I sensed you wouldn`t make it.
August tenth, the sky was flooded with colours and my dreams went to the winds.
September fifteenth, the storms burst in without asking permission.
October first, I was still without you.
November came and, with a thousand excuses, and apologies, nothing was fixed.
On the twenty-seventh of December, the plane left you.
On the second of January, I took you out of my life forever.
On the fourth of February, I smiled again.

Laskiaf Amortegui

Laskiaf Amortegui. She is a writer, poet, broadcaster, editor, grandmother, author of the
novel ‘La Jaula De Las Mariposas’, a dramatic novel that tells the story of five women and
their environment. This novel, despite being published two years ago, is still in the top 5 of
the best sellers on Amazon. When it comes to writing, she faces her biggest rival: her
dyslexia, but her mentor encouraged her to publish her lyrics, which have brought her
international recognition, awards, prizes and triumphs in narrative, poetry, speech and
cultural trajectory. Several of her lyrics have been translated and published in other
languages. At this moment in her life, writing and her family are her greatest loves, and her
collection of poems will soon be on sale. You can find her on social networks as: Laskiaf
Amortegui on Facebook and Laskiaf_escritora on Instagram.

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