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Laura Russo New Poetry| Italian love poems in english | Short italian love poems

Laura Russo


To my beloved
I could tell you how I feel,
gift you verses, my woman.
Cover yourself with captivating words…
I could, but it has no value
Compared to my feelings.
I tell you then my love…
Sit down and hear
The sweet dancing of my heart,
see the light of my eyes
reflect your face.
Only then you will feel…
What I feel.

Hold me

In your arms
I want to stay.
Hold me tight,
don’t leave me.
Let it be you
My home,
where peace
I can find.
You, safe haven
To dock.
Hold me in your arms
Don’t let me be afraid
May my fears
Free my heart.
Hold me… don’t leave me

Me, accomplice

You have slowly scratched my soul.
You removed and never added.
You shattered my certainties,
while building yours.
The more I loved you,
the more I fell out of love with myself.
You strengthened your ego…
I weakened mine.
Accomplice, I watched in silence,
as I slowly died
in my soap bubble.
So distant from myself
That I don’t feel like myself.
I look at myself from afar,
i feel pity for that soul… my soul.
How could I have let this happen?
In the name of what, why?
You erased me,
I have little memory of myself.
I don’t remember who I was and I don’t know who I am.
But, I see a hand… there, at the bottom.
If I push myself a little further, perhaps…
Perhaps I can…
I can get it out…

I can get MYSELF out.

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