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Mandy Diamanto Pistikou New Poetry| Poetry About Light |Poetry About MEDEA



We have learned to live in Darkness.

With artificial lights and superficial appearances.

How much the sun is blocking us now!

Its truth frightens us...

In the darkness all imperfections are skillfully hidden.

We focus - vainly and skillfully - with projectors wherever it is convenient for us.

Honesty is painful!

In the darkness a black soul does not contradict.

It mingles...

So convenient for opportunists, predators and their unsuspecting victims.

The Light is a relative concept.

They sell it to us really expensive

Trying to convince us we need it.

None of them told us that the Light is within us:

In thoughts, in grand visions and in acts of kindness.

Sometimes in a look, a smile or a hug.

Absolutely free and accessible to all -

Mostly to those who seek Eternity.

They were jealous of my country’s light.

The gleaming marbles blinded them.

They took a small piece of them and put it in museums.

Maybe their spirit could be enlightened.

But in vain.

Desperate people without inner Light !

They tried to underestimate us.

Us. For us, a piece of Heaven, an Island and some Sun

Are enough for the essence of life to be revealed...



Many accused her.

They said, "She was a bitch."  "A crazy witch!!' She killed her children!’

They came down on her to devastate her.


Stone her!

The male have been doing everything the right way for centuries!

Who's the one who gave life and now gets it back?

NO! She doesn't have the right!

She's a woman. She has to suffer patiently...

Only men have the right to kill! They know this Art and its justification so well....

In vain, she was looking to be justified by the man who was responsible for losing all her past.

She could only earn his pity..

A fake interest.

It wasn't  enough for her.

What a pity that Love can't be acquired by magical herbs!

What does really death mean? The stop of physical functions or something more?

Can anyone die when  they are happy?

Nobody noticed that Medea - long before they said  she killed them -

Had  already been dead....

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