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Til Kumari Sharma New Poetry|International Poet

1.    Life only in Verse:


 Love expression only in verse

 Life eternity only in art

  Love with vanishing

 Life in art of glory and tears

I wrought the ocean of verse.

 In feelings of sea  I am surviving.

 Waves are dancing.

 The life is dancing.

 Verse of mine is singing.

The harmony is lost.

 Verse is highlighting.

 The situation is changing.


2.  My Ocean of an Art:


 Unfinished my poetic feelings

 Never in drought of imitation

 Creativity of mountains

I love my oceanic verse.

 Life of eternity

 Nobody can pull me.

 No sea watery waves can dive.

 My beauty within art and eternity

 The life of immortal waves of my only verse in earth.

 My eternal lone journey in my art.


3. No True Love


  True love is dream.

 It is rarely found.

 The unconsciousness appears in one sided love.

 Love is not alive here.

 The true  love is lost.

No true love I get  here.

 Love is in ashes.

 Love is already dead in womb.

 Art makes me alive.


 4. No  Life of Love:


  Love is non-sense.

 It is not in the happiness.

 River of tears in earth

 Love is zero.

 Love is in dust of his bad mind.

Love is in real art of my eternity.

 Death is feared to my art.

 Death is junior to me.

 No winner in front of me.

 No true love is born here in universe.


5. Writing as My Breath:


 How to live is my question?

 No breath without my writing.

 Writing is my world travelling.

 Life within the light.

 The real life with art is my eternity.

 My womb of birth was my unseen universe.

 My mom is my life.

 My writing is my art of breath.

 That survives me in higher level.


6. Love as Desert:


 Love as water less

 Not planting like tree

 The light  is off.

 The darkness arrives.

 Failure in love

 Creates artist of earth.

 Tragic desert

 Without green earth.

 The light of eternity in that desert

 The drought is planted in the love.


7. Love within Garden:


 Planted with tearful feelings

 The loneliness and isolation

 Thinking and living

 With deserted hope and life.

 Garden of rocks.

 Loss of green thoughts

Love is diminished in deserted  garden.

 It is faithless in  varieties of deserted flowers.


 8.Clothing Love:


 Love as lost in sea

 Questing in beach

 The light of earth

 The beach of ethics

 Questing the moral

 Love in cloth of ethics

 Not materialistic

 No showy my love

 Cloth of words

 Moral decoration in love


9. Ash of Love:


 Love as lost from womb

 No meaning in love of failure

 That is absurd and meaning less.

 Love is essence.

 But found by me as nonsense.

People say love is healer.

 But I found huge  killer.

 Ash in beginning

 I see love is torture.

 Love is nonsense.

 It is like  absurd dust.

No meaning of the life in last.


10. Kidnapping the Mind:


 Emotions kidnap mind.

 Feeling of love in absence.

 Drought of love

Like broken tree of land.

Love kidnaps thought of consciousness.

 Love is in vampire.

 Only ruining our knowledge and wisdom in Empire.

 Love is significant delight in reality.

 But today kidnaps only our consciousness.

No freedom of mind

 The so- called love kidnaps our mind and head badly.


 11. Worthless Love:


 Absurd my so-called love

 Nothing the feeling of love and care.

 Tears in eyes as sea

 Nothing kindness appears by him.

 Love is lost from corner of his heart.

 Useless and painful my  heart beats fast.

 Love remains nothing meaningful.

Dream of love is down.

 No true lover to get in this earth.

 Love is diminishing human ethics in earth.

 That absurd love I get in.

 That  is enough for me to kill as by poison.



© Til Kumari Sharma

Paiyun 7- Hile

 Parbat, Nepal

 Now Kathmandu, Nepal

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