Occorrono ponti
Occorrono ponti costruiti da mani
capaci di dipanare nodi
incancreniti dall’incuria del tempo,
dall'avidità senza fine
e dall’incapacità di vedere oltre i muri stesi.
Al posto d' arrugginite dolenti
spianate di fili spinati,
visibili o invisibili,
s'interrino semi di fiori
resistenti e variopinti:
corridoi di braccia che sanno amare,
di cuori che sanno cantare,
di corde che sorreggano
e mantengano libere le vie da una sponda
all’altra, da un’alba all’altra.
Intrecci di strade luminose che consentano
di guardarci l'uno con l'altro negli occhi senza paura.
Occorre onorare la vita fino in fondo
e celebrarla attimo dopo attimo, sempre.
Se solo sapessimo di essere minuscoli
punti di vita tra intervalli di tempo e spazio;
se solo sapessimo di essere schegge
che si credono dee, mentre siamo solo
finti padroni con tra le mani fumo
e vestiti con i lisi abiti di arlecchino.
Se solo pensassimo che nessuno è un’isola
e che ogni cellula sulla terra è parte di noi
tanto intima quanto il sangue nelle nostre vene.
Siamo mosaici di specchi e di sfumature
per crescere un poco fino alla fine.
Siamo esseri immersi in campi d’infinite possibilità
nei quali intingiamo il pennino del pensiero
per tentare di raggiungere il centro e (ri)trovarci.
Se dovesse arrivare sera
Potessero avere le ali
i più bei ricordi
e trasformarsi
in gocce di rugiada
a rinfrescare terreni
e di pane nutrire i silenzi.
sussurrare sogni alla luna
e i rami svegliare
a riempire vuoti con suoni
e chiamare luci
senza più avere paura,
tu possa continuare ad amare.
Anna Maria Lombardi, Doctor of Philosophy, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Poet, Essayst, and much mor…, was born in the City of Art of San Severo (FG) and lives in the province of Bergamo. She has received important Career Awards, and other cultural and literary awards of great value, First Prizes, Trophies, Special Awards, Critics and many others of importance in both poetic and literary. On 25 October this year in Milan, with other names of great personalities of the international scene, at the PIME was awarded the Award for Excellence in Career for the category Literature with the following motivation: "For using his position and skills to improve society through social initiatives of great importance." The books of her poems and the poetic and artistic-literary collections she has created and curated, born in various fields and characterized by the purpose of charity, are characterized by considerable literary, poetic and social depth. His poems, translated into other languages as well as in the 19 published volumes, are found in many Italian and foreign anthologies, national and international magazines on paper and on websites. In all honesty, we can say that his works have received a particular and flattering praise from both the public and critics. The author, who is also active as creator and organizer of national and international literary events, has written articles, essays, reviews and prefaces is still sworn and president, even honorary, in important literary competitions of great prestige. The same poet is the creator and co-founder of the cultural association "Movimento Internazionale Artistico Letterario - Group", also present as a Facebook group since 2017, in order to promote and encourage the development, exchange and dissemination of culture, of poetry, literature and art. In this context, the international competition of literature and poetry that she wanted and supported and of which she is the president, role that she also plays at the associative level, LA MAGIA DELLE PAROLE which has been very successful over the years and which was present, with great pride of the entire Movement, in the palimpsest of Bergamo-Brescia Capital of Culture-2023.