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Poetry By by Mohammad Mohi Uddin: Influential young poet

Ten Poems by Mohammad Mohi Uddin


I'm the young one who returned from suicide!

I am prescribed:
Go to the green meadows
On the edge of the clarity of Jalangi's water,
Near the centennial ash tree,
Crowds of distant stars.
Share the chest-raised wounds,
Delete them;
In the light of day, as the night erases all its darkness.

I'm like an ambitionless teenager.
With indifference, I utter:
The sigh of distorted family bondage,
famines’ grief,
Depression of exhaustion,
Elegy of the state-device,
Centenary spots of history.
Who can share better than people?

The 'man' who handed over the blue envelope of suicide—
On the other side of it, I have inscribed with purity and whiteness:
Pure love on my comeback is mankind!


On the Backrest of a Wave

Sitting on a gigantic wave's back in the ocean,
I tied up a friendship with dreams.
I was about to fall off from the backrest of the ripple, but I didn't—
The stars, together, beckoned from the distant heights.

With the smiling flow of red and blue fairies,
Limbs were rocking in the lunatic wind of dreams.
Their dreams were glazing evermore, as if the face was artistry.
Ambit also enhanced from one to the next,
As far as eyesight reached, I looked steadfastly.
There wasn't any kind of social customary overlay.

In the lap of another visible faraway wave,
Some adolescents were reveling in colorful thoughts.
I visualized a blushful craft on a girl's underlip
And navigated all night long for a glance with ravenous eagerness.

Evening and You

Evening spreads like a priest—
Only you extend as ice;
Midnight becomes the coverlet of meditation—
Solely, your love melts incessantly.

Penalized Dream

I'm not Paris,
I didn't become insane to engrave Helen in the heart anytime,
Didn't construct exceptional desire in the boundary of will;
Didn't wish to kill anyone's indomitable castle of love.

Taking moribund soul awake whole night,
I enter into the darkness to invent authentic path with belief.

Paralleled circle exists in the profound of fantasy,
If gentle ray touch the sightless lid;
And then touches the blind spirit,
Perhaps I'll be able to behold everything is equal through the enlightened heart.

Elevated words will knot friendship with lower words, Possibly will turn into synonymous.

Entire creatures will be shaped alike beeline;
Exactly the way death looks with straight sight to all.

With Helenic desire; I didn't expose keekers into the blackness,
But quested to dress on white Chuddar on the backrest of night.

Nevertheless the destruction of Troy- the coil of vapor touches me repeatedly,
Everything become mystical,
Dark form into more darker,
Eventually; dreams become penalised.

I didn't Desire That Much

I desired a piece of armor, searched for the poison of negligence to make a path of salvation from steam.

Didn't try to look at the crown in the flashpoint of vision.
Only had a glance to the flying dust and dirt; inquired about the similarity of a path with the escape of life-
How the dust of time flies.

I didn't demand a lot; only desired some comfort.
Living with the new moon- I'm indigent.
I only desired some lights for the awning.
Didn't wish to ride on the wings of mew,
Only desired to touch your feathers.

Indeed, I didn't desire that much; expected a piece of land; Only a piece- where I could cultivate plants of affection.
Hoped to have a shelter, a tiny hut to protect myself from the sunlight and rain.

I didn't demand justice to the flowing time; though I took the chances of innocence,
Didn't reproach to any;
How much I did only to me.

I didn't make an attempt to include anyone in ridicule;
rather, I laughed at me
To purify myself, to rescue myself.

I swear! Indeed, I didn't desire that much;
Only pleased for tender hands.


Not a Slave

Bearing the heat of fervent sand,
will reach invisibly to the expected sattled port.
Will jump into the profound river, not for fish, but to save a downward paper-
Of an unknown old man.

Will raise up chest as a fearless battler
against the lewd demon; prepared rapper.
Not for the purpose of ensuring any title, only to return a helpless younger 's wife in an intact manner.

Will utter a bunch of phrases incessantly to reach them the ears of strangers,
But only the sake of others can acquire.

Will arouse the loud concussion of dream from the hurdle of heart,
where in my complete absence; will be built his foundation stone for others.

Will put my name in the record of a killer; if the civilization faces a crisis,
raising Sten-gun; will take up thousands to lac lives into fists.

Didn't come to reach the coveted goal; didn't prepare my feet to start the journey of self-gain.

Thus I didn't lay under anyone's sandal as grasses.
Couldn't sell myself to the other's mistress,
daughters, even to the other's attractive sisters-in-law.

It's not that I haven't eagerness to beautiful ladies-
Beauty is the best art to me,
Still in the midnight after dreaming, waking up, whispering to the bolster, 'Will I get such a beautiful lassie? '

I didn't save up anything in my destination for myself; didn't desire,
Because I'm not a slave of self-interest.



Let any scarlet flower come up from any unsighted part;
In the departed ground of my garth.

Let the clouds appear from any undiscovered ocean;
Upon the emptiness of vast heaven.

Let the dreams to alight from any mystical source;
Across my entire trice.

Let a handful of moonlight come down by delitescency;
Through my swarthy obscurity.

Let the grasses be born up peacefully;
In my desert mind.

Let the harmony of rhythm to sound;
Around my chaotic word.

Let come out euphony of a mild tone today;
From any unknown, invisible vocal cord.

Let all the things to respond;
Only by an evocation.


Mom, why is your son that much egotistic?
Going to catch the sky, irresponsibly looking up,
eventually - bought up the touch of a century; entire emptiness.

Perhaps some people choose up self-written perishable flood,
hence, I inundated the whole of mine in the pleasant swamp.

Flying clouds as many flies, the river is their destination.
With touchiness, relief--
extended hands to soothing water,
to the whole grassland of the earth.

Claimed healing into the beauty of poetry,
excavated the heart through the speech of prayer,
In the last part of the path, the yellow envelope of dejection on my hand!

Why does egotism become so long in the fugacious life?
For what It's like ice?
Melting inside of mine gradually;
How does such a flame of water fire up in the frame of soil?

What kind of sight of touchiness; cries out at the distance of distance?
Who says; sulks, pushes away, It's the bridge of reunion;

Look, Mom! Burning himself in the sun, how silent the boy was at the end of the day;
Takes shelter in the shadow of you as decent weeds.


Flower and Hemlock

Was teenager as the glossy precipitation,
flowers spread the flow of admiration,
Aroma, Colors, and artized assorted fashion;
the feelings were vibrated and excited;
With the rise of age met Wordsworth -
henceforth, diversified prudent melodies play through my sensation.

Neither notice the glory nor the fragrance of flowers,
embellished on the neck of sinners.

Flowers are enchanted by the demon today;
Hugely verdant rapt in the odor of Hemlock nowadays!

Slandered, you became pleased on the lips of Socrates,
Current you; turn into garland on the revolted voice.

Found you, realized through suave rhythm today;
Not by the pledge of celestial daisy;
Only on your softened mirror-
watch myself ceaselessly with peace and pride;
You, Hemlock, are the key to noble apex today.

The heaven will be dissolved in the blue throat;
The universe will uncover its own traces on the contrary.


A Conference

The birds informed -
Rejecting the air route, landing the animated yard of green vegetables, flashing the standing orphan children in school assembly,
will return to the nest.

Muzzling the ever-known song of woodland,
They'll pass over eight moments of the day, knowing noiseless on the beak.

Rainy will alight-
Forming shower will roll ceaselessly through the Winter's heart.

Every flower of Spring-
will become a falling-off leaf.
Southern wind will unnecessarily blow up Banyan, anterio couples of beloved including home.

The land will turn into a novel desolated globe,
losing the fertility of its ground.

Creatures will come out from lonely cavities,
will build a pavilion here and there,
The entire ferocious will get out to swallow azimuth.

I'm (as Honorable Moderator of the Assembly) curious to know- for what it occurs!

'We're pretty good; You're- the best creations, bloodsucker of own mother-
Can easily pour lethal Hemlock into the mouth of judgment! '

I departed from the conference silently, in shyness.


Biography of Mohammad Mohi Uddin

Mohammad Mohi Uddin (1987-present) is a multifaceted individual with expertise in poetry, translation, and criticism. His literary works have been published locally and globally. He currently serves as a Graduate Research Assistant, Graduate Senator, Graduate Ambassador, and Delegate in the Graduate Student Association at The University of Alabama in the United States. Pursuing a PhD in Instructional Technology at the same university, Mohi is also a, contributing significantly to his academic community. As a published author, his writing aims to connect with readers on a deeper level and offer insight into the human experience. Through his work, he hopes to inspire spiritual growth and offer solutions to the struggles of the human soul. His area of special interest covers poetry, creative writing, and translation. His works appeared locally and globally in numerous publications, too. Furthermore, some poems have been translated into Spanish, Greek, and Filipino. A Mexican Radio Station airs some poems. He takes part in literary interviews locally and globally. In addition, he has some collaborative projects with foreign authors.

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