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Poetry By Martha Vaskantira: Popular Greek Poet

Martha Vaskantira


Man don't hit me.
I'm your brother.
We both cried when we were born.
Don't hurt me....
We've all felt the pain.
Don't ruin my laugh.
The joy of life, hold you.
Don't cut my hands.
These will hug you when you fall.
Don't betray me.
You seek a caress in the dark.
Don't mock my life.
 You worked so hard for your life..
 Let me dwell in your tear,
in your laugh
in your dream....
For your humanity to find a home....
Don't fight me. 
So that your kindness does not lose the battle.
Don't turn your back on me...
 So that your soul can see through open windows.
The shadow of  people 
is the opening to the light of the Universe,
it is the hand of God that unites the world
for to bring the miracle of love.
 Don't close the door on love.
Life is an orphan without love...
She, gave birth to us.


Άνθρωπε μη με χτυπάς.

Είμαι αδερφός σου.

Κι οι δυο κλάψαμε όταν γεννηθήκαμε.

Μη με πονάς.

Όλοι έχουμε νιώσει τον πόνο.

Μη γκρεμίζεις το γέλιο μου.

Απ’ τη χαρά της ζωής κρατιέσαι.

Μην κόβεις τα χέρια μου.

Αυτά θα σ’ αγκαλιάσουν όταν πέσεις.

Μη με προδίνεις.

Ένα χάδι αποζητάς μες τα σκοτάδια.

Μη χλευάζεις τη ζωή μου.

Τόσο προσπάθησες για τη δική σου.

Άσε με να κατοικώ στο δάκρυ σου,

στο γέλιο σου,

στο όνειρο σου,

για να βρίσκει σπίτι η ανθρωπιά σου.

Μη με πολεμάς

για να μη χάσει τη μάχη η καλοσύνη σου.

Μη μου γυρίζεις την πλάτη,

 για να μπορεί να βλέπει σ’ ανοιχτά παράθυρα η ψυχή σου.

Ο ίσκιος του ανθρώπου

είναι το άνοιγμα στο φως της Οικουμένης,

είναι το χέρι του Θεού που ενώνει τον κόσμο

για να φέρει το θαύμα της αγάπης.

Μη κλείνεις την πόρτα στην αγάπη.

Η ζωή είναι ορφανή χωρίς αυτήν.

Εκείνη μας γέννησε.


Martha Vaskantira was born in 02/09/1977  in Greece, in the city of Patras. She studied Philology and Philosophy. She is involved in theater and music. She appeared in letters in the year 1996 with the publication of poems in literary magazines. A total of ten of her books have been published.  Six poetry collections
and four fairy tales. Her poems have also been dramatized in performances by theater groups in Athens and Patras. She is a member of the International Society of Greek Writers-Artists (D.E.E.L.), UNESCO of Greece, the Society of Greek Writers (E.E.L.), the Greek Cypriot Cultural Group (E.P.O.K.) as well as representative of the group in the city of Patras.

In September 2022, she won first prize for writing the theatrical monologue "Peace and the Child" at the International Peace Cultural Olympiad held in Delphi.
In the performance "The children of Greece" which was presented in many cities of Greece and concerns the life and work of the great creators and artists, Mimi Traiforou-Sofias Vembo, the one-act play by Martha Vaskantira entitled "The child and the peace''. The direction is by Vassilis Traiforos and Penelope Chalkia. The monologue was performed by Penelope Halkia.

Some of her poems have been translated into English, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, Hindi and Polish.
Her poems are included in Poetry anthologies and Cultural Magazines in several countries abroad.
In 2022, the newspaper "Peloponnisos" proposed her to be a candidate for the persons of the year 2022.
She was nominated by the writer and poet, Mrs. Eva Lianou Petropoulou (a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize), for the international award "Dr. Fco Xavier Ramirez Sanchez" and for the "Platinum Eagle award". 
In January 2025, she was awarded 1st place in poetry, in the Greek category, in the International Literary Competition held in Kazakhstan in poetry and prose, in various languages. The president of the jury was the writer and poet, Mr. Dimitris Kraniotis.

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