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Valentine's day poetry।Romantic Poetry


During the silent murmurs of the celestial evening,
Brajesh and Varsha, two spirits soar
Not limited by time or earthly beauty,
However, through the stars that glow on each other's countenance
Their hearts are like flowing rivers, interconnected as one
They travel side by side, under the identical sun
A dance of forces, a holy rhythm
Their love goes beyond both distance and time
Varsha, the gentle and heavenly moonlight,
It shows the heat from Brajesh's back
In her gaze, the universe discovers tranquillity
All worldly fears come to a stop when he holds you close
Every touch is a form of prayer, every word a melody
They are meant to be together, holding each other close
Silence communicates what the heart senses
A love language unveiled by eternity
Their love is like a temple, with pure and tranquil vibes
Every moment is sacred and invisible
Brajesh, the fire, and Varsha, the droplet,
United, they blend into a fresh, singular entity
Throughout countless lifetimes and generations, they will endure
In the circle of love, without any suffering
They represent the sun, the moon, and the sky
Two spirits that eternally soar in unity
They discover their abode within the depths of the soul
Where love is a guiding beacon, always steady
An everlasting bond, a profound truth
Brajesh and Varsha are in love and they are sleeping.

© Dr. Brajesh Kumar Gupta ‘Mewadev’, Banda (U.P. - India)
@ All Rights Reserved.

Ainur Kumarkhanova

I remember the holy days,
Don't forget nor put any blame…
Do nothing if not setting you free and,
Go out without love in the shadow.

So many years have already passed,
But, loving my heart mischievously,
I couldn't become egoist,
At least it's hard to live without light.

We are on two different sides,
Say “come back” let go of the fears.
These days from lovers' shores,
One hurts my soul in my dreams.

What is needed? just stay quiet,
Let's go there” do not say!
The days that were meant for us,
A wound is remained in my chest!

You are on my lips, I still love you.
The fire of love is still burning!
But from within me, but from within me
Once again more I just hate you!

Lana Derkač

Women are, according to my home philosopher Davor,

an objection embodied.

Even God rests on Sunday, while I’m not allowed to,

says Davor.

Under a plum tree, day in day out,

his dream is being put together as if someone

is repeating the copy-paste operation on a computer.

In the shade I dreamt him wondering:

Does a shadow signify presence or absence?

This afternoon, I too sleep under a tree

for it can simultaneously, with its treetop and roots,

grow in two opposite directions,

and not disturb the serenity of the garden.

And so I call Davor into the kitchen.

But he doesn’t eat last year’s plum dumplings

before he can taste their relish

blended with cinnamon on my face.


The wind spreads the smells across the plains.

The wind trades in spices.

Translated by Ana Janković


We are not the only settlers.

The ocean is heaven brought to Earth.

Originally straight.


Waves are created just because

what the Earth hums, moans,

rumbles, grumbles.


But above from the shoots of the old sky

a new sky was renewed.


When I take off my blue dress,

there is no more sky.

When you take off my blue dress,

there is no ocean.

Just a meadow of flower pillowslips

and white walls.

                                    Translated by the author

Lana Derkač (1969) is a renowned Croatian poet and writer. She has published around fifteen collections of poetry, prose, drama, essays, and one novel. Featured in many magazines, journals, and anthologies in Croatia and abroad, her work has been translated into twenty languages. Her recognitions include national and international literary awards, such as the Zdravko Pucak Poetry Prize, Duhovno Hrasce Prize, and Vinum et Poeta Prize, all awarded in Croatia; she has also received the Risto Ratkovic Prize, awarded in Montenegro for the best book of poetry in the region of Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lana Derkač has participated in various literary events both at home and abroad, including the Struga Poetry Evenings, the Granada International Poetry Festival, and the Stockholm International Poetry Festival.

Mirela Necula 


Plângeam în orele de sus, lângă a ta ploapă  
era visare de argint, în minte calm de apă
parcă erai Romeo, gemenu, paieta
și eu pretty Julieta...

Tristețea cu sete uriașă...Tare-i târziu!
a lovit cu cuvinte brute și nu mai știu
că undeva-n banal dragostea torcea smirnă
neclintită ca un zid cu rădăcină...

în gândul meu erai furat,
O,“clar de noapte parfumat”!

Și prin vastul amar, fluturii mici se jertfi
privind spre calea iubită
în dilema de a fi sau a nu fi.

“Cum te-am așteptat
totul a trecut
eu și luna părem, în oftat”
un fel de ultim păcat.

Și cât ai fi de lenevos, de tare, sub portret uimit
foc trăitor a ieșit, la fiecare pas pătimit
ochii s-au oprit, ca două stele din mișcare
pe sânii, floare între flori în adunare
și-am lăsat să-nșiri matur
visul alb și pur
...parcă erai Romeo, gemenu, paieta

și eu pretty Julieta...

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