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Poetry By Eva Petropoulou Lianou: Greek Best Poet

Eva Petropoulou Lianou

I AM grateful and Honoured 

I knew a child 
When the bombs destroy her school
She cried for her books

I knew a child
When he died
He said before
I will tell all to GOd

I knew a child
That he was in the boat
With his books
When the boat sink
We found out that he was the best student
All his grades on the bottom of the sea
Was all "A+"

I knew a child
That he walk from Syria
To Turkey
With no father
No mother
No brother
No shoes

Never forget....

Better peace than war
Eva Petropoulou Lianou 🇬🇷


For all dadies in heaven 
Rest in peace father


My father, 
I will miss the kind face
The conversations about life and future

I will miss the time we spend in our garden

Your generosity will remain in my heart, 

As a tree blossoms
And give his shadow
You gave me so much to remember...

As a boat make a journey
U were my captain in this world..
For years and years
But strong

Farewell my father
Angels are your family now...
Your smile will be in our hearts....

Farewell my father 
Was happy to have you in my path

Farewell my father
The beauty of your soul
Will be my guide...

©®Eva Petropoulou Lianou

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