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POETRY By Fareed Agyakwah: Ghanaian poet

Fareed Agyakwah

Fareed Agyakwah


Freedom's Bitter Feast

Is our freedom useless?

We are sovereign in name,
But bound by unseen chains,
Fed on the famine of false promises,
Our Spleens swollen with hunger’s sharp knives.

Africa, the land where rivers run rich with gold,
Where the earth births diamonds like morning dewdrops—
Yet her offspring beg for bread.

We pluck the cocoa but never taste the chocolate,
Dig the crude but never light our own lamps.
We are the weavers of wealth,
Yet clothed in the rags of poverty.

Independence came clothed in pride,
But wore the mask of dependence.
We sign treaties that steal our tomorrow,
Kneel before lenders with empty bowls,
While our soil brims with buried treasures.

Colonial master, my head aches,
Why give me panacea for a stomach pain?
Why rewrite history with trembling hands,
Exalting traitors, silencing heroes?

Freedom is useless
If it only gives you the power
To doctor the pages of history,
Robbing fallen warriors of their tithe of place.

When will we rise, Africa?
When will we break the spell?
When will we build, not beg?
When will we be free indeed?

Fareed Agyakwah – Biography

Fareed Agyakwah is a Ghanaian poet, author, ambassador and literary eagle known for his contributions to contemporary African poetry and literature. His works often explore themes of peace, humanity, and the African experience. He has been featured in prominent anthologies such as Wreaths for a Wayfarer: An Anthology in Honour of Pius Adesanmi and the Best New African Poets 2019 Anthology. His book, A Child’s Poetry for Peace, reflects his commitment to using poetry as a tool for social change.

Agyakwah’s literary excellence has earned him several international accolades, including the Temirqazyq-Best Poet-Writer of the World 2019 and the Miembro de Honor 2020. His work continues to inspire readers globally, and he remains an active voice in the literary community, engaging with audiences through social media and academic skies or platforms. He serves us with "Freedom's Bitter Feast" as something of a food for thoughts.

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