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Poetry By Tajalla Qureshi: Popular young female poet of Pakistan

Tajalla Qureshi


O’ beautiful!
The Sun-spark swirls effulgence in your sights
Clutch and clasp, you, the flash of meaningness
The Sea-storm sizzles sympathy in your heights
Gulp and grip, you, the emblem of holy highness
The Rain-drop dazzles transparency in your nights
Embrace and trace, you, the leaf lushness
Your magnificence glints and grids the shingles
Your poeticality whispers an unscripted sprinkles
Letters of dazzling devotion posted over yours
Your affection, selection, and interaction are pure
Heighten hills are chasing your divine footsteps, 
Spring blooms are embracing your fierce flex
Autumn envelops your rotten roots, beat in complex
Yet, the listener listens you, the dove loves you
the heaven hugs you and the colored cups you
You, the clouds in sizzling summer, the cool wind in warmness
Speak to the universe, heal the unseen injures
Wipe off the hardness, bamboozle the darkness
Live the love, clip the cures, meet some more.


the whistling desire to soothe
the mumbling acquires the truth
where the dispersion unleashes the tell-tale
where the stillness unease the mellifluous dale
where devotion nods off, where heart pokes away
yet, the solidarity steps in searching the sun’s ray
Gradually, it becomes, blueness into greyness
from where the lips cup, the heart grains up
Seems, all of a sudden, yet not, but a long way to interpret 
She, familiar with the quietness, she, disappears in the limeness
Ella's longing silence, Mavin’s belonging rightness
Where the rivers detach, where the springs unmatch
Yelling rings, re-belling the wings, yet the eyes sing 
the melody of nightingale, the tell-tale of untouch veil.


Winsome the aroma of feminine fluctuation 
the dynamic, the delightful, the divine creation
Hairs like mountain hills, lips like pinktastic pills
Eyes are the melodies of tenderness, sweetly fills
Neck channels the chastity and ear ears the fancy
She, the fragrance, the fumes of relishing romancy
the embodiment of ignition, intimacy, Godly invades
Often cherishes at the canvas, often-ravishes the glitter through she made
She, where the daylight dims and brightens her ambiance
She, where the starlight sings her phantasmic emergence 
and the whole universe bows before her aesthetics
She, the driven delight, the legendary limelight beyond tricks
Helen of Troy she is, where loveliness worships her beauty, her magnificence, her divinity
She is Ben Okri’s lamp and Rosemary’s coloring Platte as a festivity
She is Keat’s nightingale, a generational muse
Her warmness mild the heaviness into a fuse
Her tenderness coerces the mannish motions
Sign of praise and embrace with all its moonish emotion
Her softness left the roses, behind the debate
Spring often chases her longing fragrance in rate
Where poets overdrink, where the compel clips
Vigorous her engaging command where man slips. 

—Tajalla Qureshi

For you, the moon is in its beautiful face

the moon with its moonlight
Proposing you the ultimate embrace
Your sights, your heights all with their elevated grace
Captivates and encapsulates the fierce nexalune 
Your hands, your warmness, my heart, a twinkling tune
Cherishes your cheers, ravishes your hears
with my name over your name, my wear over your wears
and indelibly intimates the wine in your eyes, the sensation in your sensorus simles
the univseral truths are faded under the feet
you mesmerize, you fantasize, the dynamic heat
sometimes, glitters become fades, yells and bells
the unintended migraines 
But you, your visage heavenize the phantasmagoric grains, over the rains
I whisper your moonlight, through all the galaxies 
through all the blackness
 Your dilemma dazzles, and my heart hassles in the freshness, lushness and blushness
Near your ear to my heart, hear the fears, through the stars, often clip with drainage draft
But, your echoes ignite, and your heart tries, the gleam, the glints and the green 
all with the shadows of fuel, the mating of lovely lean
For you, the moon is its beautiful face
that everly entangle with the magnificence in all its trace
Ignite for you, delight for you, and overly insight for you
Believe, the obsession, intention, and sensation that swiftly, sweetly grew.

—Tajalla Qureshi

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