
Love Inn…
Timothee, in France.
Unicorns records
In orchards, on the misty South West Cornwall shores,
I heard, then it is a statement from our Lore,
They are intelligent, mighty, brave, proud and free.
« The unicorns can fly, to assist, everywhere,
A person who would be facing threat or despair…
And, they also appear sometimes, to those who quest. »
Those creatures are magic itself, in many senses,
They choose you to reveal their mystical presence. »
The virgin, and the wise, and some knights, in the wild…
In Paris a tapestry shows them, dearing a « Dame ».
In the dark
In a wood at night, with no lamp,
Off the tracks, thirsty, with a cramp,
Chased after in an army zone ?
The hits of bullets, missing me !
Yet as I ran, the enemy -
Forces, left my surroundings. Safe.
I came across a trail that lead,
Luckily, soon, to a village,
When war takes you : quickly I fled,
To hide again, in an old mine.
Lady of Glamour, Queen of Charms,
When will you sleep deep in my arms,
Again, whilst suns rise on the shore ?
Our love has caught and casts the last -
Bloom for spring, heart beats like a blast,
They will not cease, never know less…
I am lonely in Paris,
My soul prays sole until the day.
Plenty of laughter, full of bliss,
Might our Lord join us soon, for more !
Christian poem
All the sky, the Sun and the stars,
Please save me Timothee, I hold,
This prayer to my life. I stare…
I hear your voice in my heart, loud !
Thy inner, around or afar,
My animal songs, to Thy howled…
Please keep me in your Paradise,
Where the Angels rule to all eyes !
Please Lord, forgive me if I missed.
For Jesus’ love. Forever his !
Humility, manners, and calm,
If in my heart I sing the psalms,
Of Heaven, then I write my stances !
Through the Love that comes from the Skies,
I shall live ! Under your embrace,
We are meek children, you are wise.
My existence in a prayer,
Then praying helped me, praying eased…
It vanished ! No my days are pleased,
When in devotion, I admire.
I hid a treasure !
At a mansion, in South West France,
In the middle of this immense,
Park - where I often took leisure.
The gold, the gems, the jewelry…
Are kept there - until memory,
Would cess maybe - there they will be.
Out of my reason for hence,
Leaving in Nature, a fortune ?
My life in Heaven if I’m worth…
That’s my only burden, my oath.
A simple life
Who was a generous, charitable person.
Full of kindness, of grace… - She gives inspiration,
To me, painter and poet, I pray her humbly.
And the birds sing aloud in the bushes of flowers…
I love this place, some kids go by, I rest an hour,
Then I get back to my readings - where I pertain.
Tobacco, brew, rarely to a social event,
But I am solitary, I work, or I chant…
To the Angels I see around, secrets, for us,
Only - This is my life ! Simple life in Paris.
Deer king
That a deer might be Lord, of all of the forests…
A white deer ! With a ruby cross seen at his chest,
And four lions flank him, companions, or knighthood.
As the mages, the druids, the bards, often tell.
They say the deer comes with a charm none could repel,
Of life, or death, eternal, according to you.
On my path, I was lost and striving for water.
He disappeared, I collapsed, then fell, but after…
I am not sure ! If I can recall well, I think :
Soon, I found a shelter, guided by dogs barking.
La Madeleine
On the roof of La Madeleine,
Famous church, close to river Seine.
Suddenly I felt all blurry…
« I drugged you... » - He tried to push me.
I bent over a scale. « Implore,
Your God ! » Shouted my enemy.
I kicked him enough, he fainted…
Around us was a cloudy night.
Sat here for a while, I rested,
Climbed down and left !
- Oh, my Lord bless !