German Poetry

Nahid Ensafpour Poetry|Popular poet of modern Iran |Famous German Iranians Poet|Who is the most famous Iranian poet?

Nahid Ensafpour Freedom Like a caterpillar shedding its skin in its tender metamorphosis to a butterfly so am I perpetually shedding my skin each tim…

Die besten Gedichte in deutscher Sprache |Best poems of German language|Natalie Bisso Poetry

DER DICHTER Natalie Bisso MALT DEN HERST DER DICHTER MALT DEN HERBST Der Dichter malt den Herbst mit seinem Wort, Die Reime bilden die sichere Gr…

Natalie Bisso POETRY |German Famous Poet

Natalie Bisso Natalie Bisso. Germany SIMPLE SCIENCE Do not harbor evil in yourself, do not envy others, Flattery and envy are bad friends in life,…
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