Poetry By Mónika Tóth : Romanian Popular Poet Mónika Tóth Mónika Tóth Romanian Night The night is very still. Nights age and shatter - like old glass No sound, no breath,no optimism no smile,no l…
Poetry By Mónika Tóth:Popular young poet of Romania Mónika Tóth Mónika Tóth Romanian Love love infinite beauty. This is life How can I be happy? no internet page not found no connection no lo…
Poetry By Mónika Tóth ।An influential Romanian poet Mónika Tóth I am so lonely I am so lonely The wind blows gently. The sky is grayscale. The leaves fall slowly. The world is feverish. I am so lone…
Corina Junghiatu New Poetry|Romanian poetry in english |Beautiful romanian poems Corina Junghiatu Read ten poems of Corina Junghiatu, a popular modern Romanian poet, don't leave without reading. A brand new poems. The Secret o…
Maria Ciobotariu Poetry| Poet popular român | Romanian poems with english translation |Famous romanian poems Maria Ciobotariu Miracole din zori Se simte mirosul crud de iarbă prin livezi Iar visele înmuguresc pe ramuri de copaci Sunt emoţii pline de culori ș…
Mirela Necula Poetry|Romanian Poetry |Famous Romanian Poets Mirela Necula "M E R E U" Î N V I S E Mirela Necula Fericiti! Același "mereu" în vise brațul blând a rămas, ca șalul de mătas…