FROM THE BOOK SURGERY ROOM:By: Dr. Siti Fitriati, M.Pd. FROM THE BOOK SURGERY ROOM Analysis of the poem "Senja & Gerimis" by Edy Samudra Kertagama Based on the Physical Structure and Inner …
Poetry By Anna Keiko : China Famous Poet Anna Keiko Crossing the boundary and loving you By Anna Keiko a heart longing for understanding received an unfair treatment I cannot…
Poetry By Eva Petropoulou Lianou: Greek Best Poet Eva Petropoulou Lianou I AM grateful and Honoured Peace, I knew a child When the bombs destroy her school She cried for her books I knew a child Wh…
Poetry By Manik Chakraborty: Indian Poet What a burning heart. Manik Chakraborty What a burning heart. The mind is burning, the body is burning. Gloomy winds fly dark clouds, Jochna'…
Poetry By Jeanette Eureka Tiburcio: Mexican popular poet Los niños son pacto eterno. Autor: Jeanette Tiburcio Márquez. Ente sin alma Maligno cazador Usurpador de sueños Maestro del terror. ¡Aléjate del ni…
Poesía de Germain Droogenbroodt “el Camino del Ser” Poesía de Germain Droogenbroodt Publicado por la Editorial Balduque, Cartagena, 2023 En el nuevo libro del afamado poeta belga G…
Poetry By Jeanette Tiburcio Márquez:CRONOS AND LA FLACA DANCING DANZON CRONOS AND LA FLACA DANCING DANZON. By: Jeanette Tiburcio Márquez She elegant, The nervous, sober, older, She smiling, The eager, wise, actor, And th…